Part III: Attendance
- Section 1 – Attendance Policy
- Section 2 – Transitional Education (T.E.) and Out of School Suspension (O.S.S.)
- Section 3 – Tardies
- Section 4 – Check-In/Out
Section 1 – Attendance Policy
The attendance policy for all students attending Oxford City Schools is clearly explained in the system-wide Code of Conduct. Information contained in this section of the OHS handbook applies only to OHS students.
Students must attend a MINIMUM OF 51% of their approved schedule to participate in extracurricular activities (practice and/or games) on that day unless approved by an administrator.
In accordance with State Law, a parent/legal guardian/custodian MUST explain the cause of every absence of students under his/her control or charge. Every student MUST submit a written excuse, signed by his/her parent/legal guardian/custodian or a doctor’s excuse within three (3) days after he/she returns to school following an absence(s). All excuses MUST include the student’s first, middle and last names, and the reason for the absence. This includes check outs! Failure to present the signed excuse within the time noted (3 school days) will result in the absence being marked unexcused It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to turn in a doctor’s excuse. Please do not rely on your student turning them in a timely manner or expect the doctor’s office to do this.
In accordance with State Law, a parent/legal guardian/custodian MUST explain the cause of every absence of students under his/her control or charge. Every student MUST bring a written excuse signed by his/her parent/legal guardian/custodian or a doctor’s excuse within three (3) days after he/she returns to school following an absence(s). Failure to present the signed note or doctor’s excuse within the time noted will result in the absence being marked UNEXCUSED. All absences shall be designated as “excused” or “unexcused” in accordance with the following:
1. Excused Absence – an absence for which a valid cause may be presented such as a doctor’s visit, illness, death in the family with documentation, inclement weather, legal requirement, supported by documentation, medical quarantine, etc. (these are notes from a professional or documented legally; they are not parent notes/undocumented excused absence)
2. Parent/Guardian Notes (Undocumented Excused Absence) – An absence is excused when the parent/legal guardian/custodian sends a signed, dated note explaining the reason for the absence within three 3 days of the absence. A student may only have 5 undocumented excused absences per semester.
3. Unexcused Absence - An absence is unexcused:
A. when the parent/legal guardian/custodian does not send a written note explaining the absence within three (3) days following the absence.
B. . when a parent note is presented for more than 5 absences per semester.
NOTE: After 5 unexcused absences a parent will be required to attend the Early Warning Program at juvenile court.
After 7 unexcused absences a parent will be required to attend Truancy Court. The school system has the right to file charges with the court due to unexcused absences.
A warrant will file charges against the parent, which will result in arrest and bailing out, probation, court costs, and potential jail time.
Section 2 – Transitional Education (T.E.) and Out of School Suspension (O.S.S.)
Students assigned to T.E. may make up tests and class work. Students who are assigned to O.S.S. are allowed to make up work for full credit. Work assigned while a student is in T.E. must be submitted by the student upon re-admittance to class or at a time designated by the teacher. Assignment to Transitional Education constitutes absence from each class missed but not from school. Assignments to out-of-school suspension constitute an absence from school and from individual classes.
Section 3 – Tardies
Tardies & Returning to School
A tardy is defined as being late to school/class. A student who is not present for a minimum of forty minutes is considered absent. Always sign in at the attendance office when you are late to school or when you return to school after checking out.
Failure to sign in will be treated as an unexcused tardy, unexcused absence, or truancy. When arriving late or returning to school, students must get a tardy admit from the office before being admitted to class. Tardies will not be excused because of car trouble, oversleeping, or the alarm clock not working. Tardiness because of medical, legal, and dental appointments that could not be arranged before or after school will be excused. Tardies can only be excused by an administrator. Excessive tardies will be dealt with as a discipline problem by the administration. Students tardy to classes must get a tardy admit from the office before being admitted to class.
Adequate time is allowed for class change between periods. Consequently, tardiness will not be allowed unless a student is detained by a teacher, office personnel, or because of a late bus.
When a student is late, the student must have a pass from the conferencing teacher, or the student must see an administrator for a pass. The pass must be dated and have on it the exact time it was written. The student will then have three (3) minutes to appear at his/her assigned class. Failure to accomplish this will result in a documented tardy for the class. Teachers should document all student tardies for their classes. Tardies are documented on a per semester basis.
4th Unexcused tardy to school or to class |
4 periods of T.E. |
5th Unexcused tardy to school or class |
1 day of T.E. (A day will match individual student schedule.) |
6th Unexcused tardy to school or class |
2 days of T.E. (A day will match individual student schedule.) |
7th Unexcused tardy to school or class |
1 day of O.S.S. (A day will match individual student schedule.) |
8th Unexcused tardy to school or class |
2 days of O.S.S. (A day will match individual student schedule.) |
Tardy Consequence
Subsequent unexcused tardies to school or class will result in additional assignments for each additional referral.
Although students placed in Transitional Education (T.E.) are counted present in school, students and parents should remember that absences from class due to tardiness are unexcused and could impact unfavorably on the student’s academic progress.
Students who are tardy to a class may be required to make up any missed assignments or exams. A waiver may be made on check-ins if the student can prove all check-ins to be appropriately excused such as for legal or medical reasons.
Section 4 – Check-In/Out
Student Check-out Procedures
Students desiring to check out during the school day may do so within the constraints of the provisions listed below:
A student’s parent/legal guardian/custodian MUST come to the school in person to check his/her child out of school. Only persons specifically designated by the parent/legal guardian/custodian may check a student out of school when the parent is unable to do so. The designated person must present a valid driver’s license or other picture identification to school officials as verification of their identity prior to the student’s release into their care.
Parents may appear in the attendance office and check out students by completing the checkout sheet. This may be accomplished up to two (2) school days prior to the actual checkout date.
Friends or relatives may check out students provided the proper authorization is on file in the school office prior to the checkout attempt. The designated person must present a photo ID at the time of checkout. Minors may not check out students. Parents may amend the checkout authorization at any time by appearing at the school office and making the desired additions/deletions. The school reserves the right to refuse anyone other than a parent or legal guardian the opportunity to check out a student.
Any class time missed due to checking in or checking out will constitute a tardy in the class or classes missed.
Absences from classes incurred due to checkouts will impact negatively on a student’s academic progress.
If time is missed from an academic class for a dentist, doctor, or legal appointment, the missed time will be counted as an excused absence. Students will have a maximum of three (3) days to submit a proper excuse.
An excuse must be turned in to the Attendance Office for an absence to be considered excused. Should any changes in the policy become necessary, students will be notified. Adopted: July 17, 1990 REF: Attorney General Opinion to Dr. Wayne Teague dated January 10, 1989. Code of Alabama 16-28-1; 16-28-2; 19-28-15; 16-28-16.
Student Sign-In Procedures
Students, who arrive late, regardless of time, will report to the Main Office to sign in.
Students who check-in during the school day (with administrative approval) may report to their designated class with as little interference to instruction as possible.
NOTE– Students who bypass the attendance office and report directly to class upon checking in and don’t follow check in procedures will be subject to disciplinary